Monday, 12 March 2012


Well, the day finally came. I FOUND A JOB! Yayy!!!

There is only one problem. It's long hours, and possibly 7 day weeks.

I know it is going to be great for me, and great for our family, but I am having a really hard time dealing with the fact that I am going to miss so much of Lexi's life.

The nice part it, it's outside, it pays more then minimum wage, and it's a job!

I know I should really be grateful I found something, and I am. I'm just going to miss my little girl.

Anyways I will get off my sad train, and be happy. I FOUND A JOB! YAYYYY!!! Also there is 2 weeks before it starts, so I will make sure to cherish my last 2 weeks home with my little girl.

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