Hi, my name is Jess.
I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I'm 25, and am a wife, mother, sister, and daughter.
I live for my family, but also love my friends and dance.
I teach dance in my spare time and have been doing so for the last 6 years.
My Fiance and I have been together for 5 years. We met in high school but didn't end up being together until a year after Dan graduated. We moved in together when we were 22. That is when all the fun began!

We bought a house in April with a move in date of June 2010. Little did we know that 9 days before our move in date we would find out we were pregnant. The surprises don't stop there! Dan is planned for months to propose on out moving day.

So June 30th 2010 we moved into a gorgeous new home, told our family we were expecting a little bundle of joy in February 2011, and for engaged. Let just say it was a lot at one, but I wouldn't have asked for it to be any other way.
On March 1st 2011, after 7 weeks of bed rest, 2 false alarms, and 22 hours of labour Alexis Victoria was born.
She was 9 lbs exactly, and the most precious thing I have ever seen. We couldn't have been happier with out little girl, and so began the rest of our lives.