Tuesday, 21 February 2012


I'm not going to lie, I am stressed.

The last couple of months it just seems like I can't win. I know things will get better, and usually I try to look at the glass half full, but for tonight I am in a funk.

Let me explain why. I have been looking for a job for the last couple months. I have been to so many interviews I can't even keep track of them anymore. I have had my fiance and my family re-arrange their days to come watch Lexi while I go to interviews. I do my best, and have some great interviews, and yet nothing has come of it. I know it will, and I just have to give it time, and once I do find something it will be great for me, but I can't help but get frustrated.

On top of me having 2 interviews today that went no where, and being frustrated by that, people today were just so crabby!

I needed to get out of the house, so Dan gave me his debit card so I could go tot he mall and get dinner while he was at band practice. After Lexi and I ate we had some shopping to do for her birthday. My father also works in this mall. We have a very estranged relationship, so he has only seen Lexi twice. I figured since her birthday was coming up I would go into his work and see if he was there. He wasn't, which was fine, but on by way over to the elevator go get back on the main floor some man started yelling at me while the elevator doors were shutting. I think he said "for the second time in a row" but i'm not quite sure. He then proceed to run up the escalator to meet me at the elevator to yell at me. Honestly I had no idea what he was talking about. I always check to make sure there isn't someone else wanting to get into the elevator with me, and there wasn't until it was too late and he was running at the elevator.

Dude, it's not my fault the doors shut, I can't stop them. Plus I have a baby with me, don't you dare yell at me in public. I was in such a bad mood already that this didn't help. I calmly told him I had no clue what he was talking about and he said "of course you wouldn't." I just didn't get it. Then while I was doing my shopping there were so many crabby people yelling at their wives, and children. I just don't know what was up with people today.

Well the be all and end all of this story is today was a crappy day. I haven't felt this discouraged in a long time. Luckily I know tomorrow will be a better day.

Lexi and I have a play date with my good friend Sarah and her kids, and then Dan and I are going to the gym while Lexi plays with Babcia, (my mom).

I hope you all had a better day then I did, and here is to a happier tomorrow!

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