Monday, 27 February 2012


Fitness has always been a fairly important part of my life. I mean I teach dance. I have been active every day for the past 5 years. That is up until I had Lexi.

Since having Lexi my weight has been all over the place. My last checkup before I had her I weighed 208 lbs. I couldn't believe it. That number was the scariest thing I have ever seen. Not only had I hit 200 I had surpassed it. Ahh!

At my 6 week checkup I was back down to my pre pregnancy weight. I was 20 lbs below my pre pregnancy weight at 12 week post partum.

The problem is since then the weight has been creeping back.

In September I joined a dance class at a studio I teach at. We go to 3 local competitions a year and have rehearsal once a week. When I started I could not believe how hard it was for me. I felt like a beached whale.

So in January I decided I was going to start going to the gym again. I didn't, own a scale, so I had no idea how much I had gained back, but I knew it was a lot since my clothes weren't fitting right again.

That's when the shock came. I am almost back to my heaviest from when I was pregnant. Really? How did this happen? It just doesn't seem possible, but it is.

So now here I am, on week 3 of going to the gym at least twice a week. I am currently on the bike, riding my bug butt off. I know it's going to take a lot of work, but I am really determined to get back down to a good weight, and hope to be at 150 by this time next year.

50 lbs in a year? I know it's going to be hard, but I know it will be worth it.

From my workout today. Go me go!


AHH! The dreaded C word. Cleaning.

Lexi has been sick since yesterday, so she has been miserable. Since we have had such a crabby baby toddler on our hands our house is a DISASTER!

Today is the beginning of party prep, therefore that means CLEANING the DISASTER!

Here are some before pictures. Pretty scary.

Stay tuned for the after. Hopefully it looks MUCH better!

Dining room. Everything on the table so Lexi can't get to it.
Living room. This picture is deceiving. It is WAY worse then this.
Kitchen. So many dishes.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

We have a toddler

When did this happen? It's as if I closed my eyes and BAM, she is a toddler.

Over the last couple months this has been slowly sneaking up on me, but yesterday it hit me. I do not have a little baby anymore.

She has such a clear grasp on so many things now, I can hardly believe it.

Here is a quick video I took of her the other day.

Lexi is going to be one on thursday. Wow.

We are having two parties for her on the weekend, so today I finally sat down and started figuring out what all I needed to buy. I have been planning this part for months, but like most things, I couldn't get a  lot of things done until now.

Wow, I have A LOT on my to do list. Here is just a sample.
Clean WHOLE house! :S
Buy poop ton of groceries.
Buy decorations.
Bake cakes. (Yes there are going to be 4 cakes! I'm crazy right?)

Well, I should probably go and start cleaning, since time is flying already.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


I'm not going to lie, I am stressed.

The last couple of months it just seems like I can't win. I know things will get better, and usually I try to look at the glass half full, but for tonight I am in a funk.

Let me explain why. I have been looking for a job for the last couple months. I have been to so many interviews I can't even keep track of them anymore. I have had my fiance and my family re-arrange their days to come watch Lexi while I go to interviews. I do my best, and have some great interviews, and yet nothing has come of it. I know it will, and I just have to give it time, and once I do find something it will be great for me, but I can't help but get frustrated.

On top of me having 2 interviews today that went no where, and being frustrated by that, people today were just so crabby!

I needed to get out of the house, so Dan gave me his debit card so I could go tot he mall and get dinner while he was at band practice. After Lexi and I ate we had some shopping to do for her birthday. My father also works in this mall. We have a very estranged relationship, so he has only seen Lexi twice. I figured since her birthday was coming up I would go into his work and see if he was there. He wasn't, which was fine, but on by way over to the elevator go get back on the main floor some man started yelling at me while the elevator doors were shutting. I think he said "for the second time in a row" but i'm not quite sure. He then proceed to run up the escalator to meet me at the elevator to yell at me. Honestly I had no idea what he was talking about. I always check to make sure there isn't someone else wanting to get into the elevator with me, and there wasn't until it was too late and he was running at the elevator.

Dude, it's not my fault the doors shut, I can't stop them. Plus I have a baby with me, don't you dare yell at me in public. I was in such a bad mood already that this didn't help. I calmly told him I had no clue what he was talking about and he said "of course you wouldn't." I just didn't get it. Then while I was doing my shopping there were so many crabby people yelling at their wives, and children. I just don't know what was up with people today.

Well the be all and end all of this story is today was a crappy day. I haven't felt this discouraged in a long time. Luckily I know tomorrow will be a better day.

Lexi and I have a play date with my good friend Sarah and her kids, and then Dan and I are going to the gym while Lexi plays with Babcia, (my mom).

I hope you all had a better day then I did, and here is to a happier tomorrow!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Busy busy...

Wow. The last couple of days have just flown by. The studio I teach at has needed subs all week so I taught friday and today. It was so fun. I really do miss teaching every day.

We also are a few weeks away from competition time, so some of the girls and and I went on a hunt for costumes.

It was really clear to me these last couple days how much I really do need to find time for myself. Just going to the studio alone and getting to do my thing was really nice, but once I came home and saw my sweet little girl I realized I would never want to change things back to the way they were.

I was a workaholic. I would spend as much time as a could in my own little " dance" world. I was missing out on so much. Now I get the best of both worlds. I get to see my beautiful baby girl, and I still get to teach.

How wonderful it is.

Now if only I could find a job! Ha ha.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Well in the spirit of Valentine's Day I thought I would talk a little about the people I love.

Over the last year I had my eyes opened to who the important people in my life are. Before I had Lexi my life revolved around my work. I would spend as much time as possible at one of the many studio's I taught at either teaching my regular classes, doing private lessons, planning choreography, preparing costumes, and attending competitions and recitals. Although dance was a "part time job" it never felt like it.

Once Lexi came along that all changed very quickly. I would said immediately. While I was in the hospital I was getting emails, text messages, and facebook messages asking about the baby, and work. Work? Really? This baby hasn't even been here for 24 hours and I'm thinking about work? No way! I messaged my employer and said I was much to busy with a jaundice baby who wouldn't nurse, so I could no longer talk about it until I was ready.

From there some things happened I am not comfortable talking about, but I can tell you I am no longer teaching dance "part time"

When all of my world came crumbling down with things at the studio, and with the stress of a new baby I found out who I could really lean on.

My fiance - He is my rock. Without this man in my life I don't think I would have been able to get through this year. When Lexi wouldn't sleep thought the night and I was beyond exhausted he got up with her. When I would call him at work crying because Lexi wouldn't stop crying he would always know exactly what to day to calm me down. When I had to make the decision if I was going back to teach dance or not, he was there. He is my life. I am so happy I have this wonderful man. He is my best friend and I couldn't ask for anything else.

My sister - She has been her for me 100% of the time. When I needed someone to talk to she was there to listen. When I was in a place so dark I didn't think I would be able to get out, she was there to make me smile. I have a hard time showing my feelings, but this year at the one studio I am still teaching at I choreographed a routine about us and everything we have gone through together.

My mom - Although we don't always get along, and we frequently butt heads, I will always need my mom. When I was on bed rest she was here every day making sure I ate and the house was tidy. (Dan worked 12-8 at the time) When we were in the hospital for 5 days after Lexi was born she was there every day. Sometimes all you need if for your mom to be there.

My friends - This was a tough one for me. I was very distant from a lot of my friends while I was working so much, but when push comes to shove my true friends were there for me. Meaghan, Laura, Kelly, Peggy, Shayna, Megan, Brooke, Kelly, Sarah, Natalie. You were always there to listen and as a shoulder to cry on. I couldn't ask for better friends and I am so thankful to have you in mine, and Lexi's lives.

So to sum it all up, I am so thankful for the great people in my life. I count my blessings every day, and I promise to myself, and all the wonderful people in my life, I will never take you for granted again.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope you all are having an excellent day. I know I have!

Today started as usual. Lexi and I were going to go out to The Museum, but I got a call late last night about coming in for a job interview, so we just had a cosy morning in.  Someone but still not be feeling well or teething because she was in one heck of a mood until Dan gave her this!

Coffee bins make everything better!

Our afternoon was pretty chill. Playing with her car and waiting for grandma to come.

Weeks ago when I look on the calendar and realized that Valentine's Day was soon approaching Dan and I decided we were going to skip gift and just have a nice family dinner the night before and not worry about it. Well to my surprise when I got back from my interview I came home to some beautiful roses. He is so thoughtful. I know I definitely picked the right guy when it come to him.

So once Dan was done work we hit the gym. Lexi got a sucker from the daycare and couldn't wait to eat it. Lucky girl. So over all today was a pretty regular day, with a wonderful surprise attached.

I hope you all had a great day, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, 13 February 2012

A day of chores

Well today was a pretty normal day, except for the fact that I was SUPER motivated to get some house work done. This is a very rare occurrence for me since usually I'm trying all I can to keep my eyes open. So once Lexi went down for her first nap the cleaning began. Tons of laundry, sorting through clothes that don't fit Lexi anymore, dishes, and putting away toys. I must say today I feel pretty accomplished.

Her new favourite hiding place.
Once Lexi woke up I just couldn't resist having a little photo shoot. I'm realizing as she is getting older I am taking less pictures and video of her. I'm going to try to change that.

Someone needs a hair cut

 Tonight we went out for a Valentines Day dinner as a family. We figured since tomorrow everywhere will be so busy, and people won't want a crazy baby near them we would do it a day early. Let's just say we learn't a very valuable lesson tonight.

Deep in thought


Her dinner could not have come fast enough! Luckily once she has eaten she was her happy little self, and entertaining people all over the restaurant.

Now our sweet little girl is fast asleep, and it's time for some mommy and daddy time.

Happy early Valentine's Day everyone!


Question: What fun things are you doing with your kids on Valentine's Day?

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Here we go!

Well ladies and gents, here we have it. A sick and teething baby.
Lexi is right in the midst of getting 4 teeth, (2 have come in already), and what seems like a cold.
Luckily, overall she has been a very good little girl.

The only way she was happy friday was chewing on a toothbrush.

I must say, I am going to really miss this time with her once I go back to work.
Seeing her happy face in the morning, and just getting to spend all my time watching her grow from this tiny little nugget, so this amazing toddler we have now.

All ready for dance, and picking a boogery nose.

Lexi's birthday is in a few weeks and I can hardly believe it. She is going to be 1. Where does time go?
As March 1st creeps closer, and closer, I find myself thinking more and more about baby number 2, but that is a post for another day.
Playing with pots and pans

Well, little miss muffet is just not wanting to settle down for a nap, so mommy duty calls.
I'm hoping to post of here more often, so lets see how that goes.


Question: What did you find helped your little ones most when it came to teething, or colds?