Monday, 27 July 2015

Welcome Baby Thomas!

Well what a whirlwind the last few years have been! A big change we have had in our family is a new member! Baby Thomas. He is such a sweet little baby, but has had SO many issues over the last year. We are very lucky most of them have not been life threatening, but this mama is exhausted from stress, and lack of sleep!

Before we dive into any of that, let me tell you about it from the beginning.

After Dan and I had Lexi we had always planned on having another 4 years down the road. We wanted her to be in kindergarten, and wanted to have a summer baby. My job is seasonal, so it would be very easy for be to take a full year off of work if we had a baby due from may-sept.

Luckily we ended up with a June baby, just a year earlier then we had planned. This was very, very unexpected, but such a pleasant surprise. A baby! Lexi was going to be a big sister! We couldn't wait.

The day we found out he was a boy was amazing. I had always wanted Lexi to have a little brother. I wanted to experience what it is like to have boy. I wanted to feel that unconditional love a son has for his mother, just like my husband has with his mom. I knew from the start he was a boy. Everything was different. I was still sick, but it was manageable. My belly grew fast, but I did;t seem to gain as much weight anywhere else. I just knew. The day we had the ultrasound, Dan was dead set on not finding out the sex, but when the ultrasound tech asked, he had a change of heart and we found out we were having our little boy.

Thomas Kenneth. A strong name. A name that meant a lot to us. Dan's middle name is Thomas. Thomas was Dan's dad's best friend. He passed away when he was a young adult. He was a huge part in my father in law's life, and because of that Dan wanted to honour him. Kenneth was my grandfather. He was an amazing man. He is one of the reasons I am who I am today. He taught me so many things, and was alway my number one fan. He encouraged me to follow my dream and do what I love. I miss him every day.

Enough of the sadness, and back to the baby!

At 28 weeks things started feeling weird. While teaching I kept saying it felt like he was going to fall out of me. I scheduled an appointment with my family dr to see what was going on. She did a check and I was already thinning out and starting to dilate. I was told to slow down, so I did. I taught from a chair. I didn't jump. I did everything I was told. I saw my OB for the first time at 31 weeks and told her what was going on. She checked me, and the rest is a blur. I was sent to the hospital to have a steroid shot to make his lungs mature faster. I was told I should stop working, and a ton of blood test. Dan and I knew I needed to stop working for the safety of this baby. We didn't want him to be a premie. So I arranged to stop teaching at the end of the week. That gave all my substitute's plenty of time to get things together, and in the meantime I was going to still teach from a chair. Little did I know what would happen next.

While driving home that night I called my mom. I as feeling pain in my hips. It was strange, but I did't think anything of it. When i got home I played on the couch to relax and thats when I noticed the pain in my back. It kept coming an going. I remembered that pain. Thats what it felt like when I was in labor with Lexi. I timed it. Every 5 mins I was having a contraction. Why was this happening? I called Dan, and we headed to the hospital. I was right, I was in labor. They gave me so many drugs, I have no idea what any of it was, to stop the contractions. The next morning my OB came in and admitted me to hospital bed rest. I was to be there until they could prove that I wouldn't go into labour on my own. It took a week. Then I was finally sent home. What an amazing feeling! I have never appreciated my home so much!!

Fast forward a few weeks and you will find a hugely pregnant woman, laying in a pool, wishing the baby would come out. That was me. He was late. 4 days late. Clearly they did a very good job of making sure I didn't go into labor again! HA!

So finally, my water breaks, I call everyone who I needed, and Dan and I headed to the hospital. 6 hour, and 3 pushes later Thomas Kenneth was born. He was perfect. I was in heaven. He had no problems breastfeeding. He was a good sleeper. Our family was complete. It was one of the best days of my life.

Well that is the beginning of Thomas. We have had a lot of ups and downs with this little boy. Torticollis.
Helmet Therapy.
Severe Allergies.
Through it all I keep reminding myself I can do this. It will get easier, and he is such a sweet boy! I am lucky to have him in my life. He teaches me so many thing about myself every day.

I love you sweet boy. Don't ever forget that!
Your mama,

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Welcome Back

Wow! So it has been a long time since I have posted anything on here.

So lets just get re-aquainted and say HI!

My name is Jess. I'm a 28 year old mother of 2. Yes you read that right. 2! We've had another baby since I last posted. Little Lexi is 4, and our baby boy Thomas just turned 1. I married my wonderful husband Dan on July 13, 2013, and things couldn't be better.

I'm sure your wondering, "why are you deciding to blog again Jess?" Well the answer is to get some things out of my head and onto "paper", and maybe help some people along the way.

So if you would like to follow along, and see what I have to say, feel free! If not, thats okay too.

Hope you are all having a great night!

Here are some updated family pictures since things have changed a lot.